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Tips for Registering to Vote

By September 18, 2020September 23rd, 2020Student Community


This year is an election year and for many of our 18-21-year-old iSucceed students, it will be your first time voting! Becoming of age to vote is a very important step as a U.S. Citizen, and because of that, we want to provide our students with simple tips to help you get registered and informed to vote.

Tips for Registering to Vote

How to Get Registered

The deadline to pre-register to vote in the 2016 presidential election is October 9. Registering in Idaho is simple. Here’s how:
1. Download this form.
2. Fill out the information as directed.
3. Email the completed form to [email protected] or mail it to the address listed in the instructions.

In order to register by mail or email, you will need to know your social security number and have a driver’s license. If you do not have a driver’s license, you can find the closest County Clerk Office to you and register in person.

Mailed-in registration forms must be postmarked by October 9.

How to Vote on November 3

Once you receive your voter ID information, you’re all set to vote this November 3! Voting booths are open from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. and you can drop in at a time best for you, just remember to wear a mask! Also, lines fill up fast, so be sure to get there early or set aside enough time to wait. To see your voting location, head to this web page.

If you are unable to vote in person, you can request an Absentee Ballot. In this case, you would have a ballot mailed early to your home, fill it out and mail in your votes. Requesting the Absentee Ballot is as simple as getting registered to vote! To do so, head to this website and follow the directions.

Mailed-in ballots are increasingly popular this year. See if you can get a early mailed ballot. You can send it in the mail at least 7 business days before the election, or you could drop it off in person at your local voting booth.

How Do I Decide on an Affiliation or Party?

One of the bigger questions you will have to answer is how you want to identify yourself on your voter ID card. While iSucceed does not endorse or support any one group, we do feel it is important that you research and come to an informed decision on whichever party or affiliation you choose.

Here are some ways to help you learn more:

  • Head to to read up on  presidential candidates, take a quiz to see which of the candidates most fit your views and learn more about each political party.
  • You can also take this PBS quiz to determine what political party you most side with.
  • Or head to this site to see all the different political parties available in the U.S., and which ones are ballot-qualified for the 2020 election.

Don’t forget, the deadline to get registered in order to vote in the presidential election is October 9, 2020. We wish you all luck and hope you exercise your rights as a U.S. Citizen this November 3.

Under 18? Get ready to become a registered voter!

We know many of our students aren’t quite old enough to vote just yet. So we advise you to take your time and learn as much as you can in the meantime! Take the quizzes above, stay up to date on current events and, again, read! It’ll be an important thing you do once you turn 18 so be sure to get prepared.

  • Do you have any more questions? Share with us in the comments below; we’re happy to help out our iSucceed students!


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