There’s a difference between online learning and going to school online.
This year has proved that more than ever.
We know the start of the school year–and even the end of last school year–came with a lot of frustrations for so many students. But it has a lot less to do with “online school” and everything to do with the systems in place to help the child excel.
That’s why we started iSucceed in 2008. It was a group of concerned parents who didn’t feel the public school system was meeting all the needs of certain students. Because sometimes, a brick-and-mortar traditional education simply doesn’t work for a child.
Having grown through the initial aches and pains, we are proud to serve hundreds of students every year as they work diligently to earn their diplomas.
We’d like to extend a little of what we learned to all Idaho students and parents. Because this is a difficult time, and we hope we can make it more bearable for everyone.
How to move beyond frustrations and excel in online learning
Get familiar with the platform
We don’t know exactly what school looks like throughout Idaho. But we can say we’ve noticed a digital divide.
Nothing is more frustrating than when technology won’t work the way you expect it to. When you can’t hear a teacher talking, or the system freezes yet again because too many people throughout the country are logged in at once, it thwarts learning and leaves students confused and frustrated.
We understand, because we’ve been there.
That’s why the learning systems we use have awards for its user-friendly platform. That’s why the curriculum we picked is also award-winning.
We don’t want our students learning systems, we want them receiving an education.
So, our first tip–if you’re planning on learning at home long-term–would be to pick a school that has real online learning platforms in place. It’s also important to have a good set-up at home. If you are struggling with this, iSucceed might be a good option for you. We can provide laptops to students in need. We can give you more information at 208.908.6250.
Find teachers with online experience
Another large issue in switching to an online platform is that it’s not just students adjusting, it’s the teachers as well. For some teachers, it’s no issue. But for those struggling, it leaves the students struggling.
Our teachers have several combined year’s experience in online learning. This experience empowers students, because there are so many areas of support to help them acclimate and learn to thrive in the online environment.
Beyond the frustrations: Benefits of online learning
There are a lot of benefits that come from getting to complete your schoolwork online. From saving gas to having more control of your schedule, attending high school online has its advantages.
One benefit is you don’t have sit in one place! As long as you have an internet connection, you really can work wherever you want. So let your child use it to their advantage! If they’re bored, have them go outside for a little while, at least for the next few weeks before it gets too cold! A scene location works wonders for the brain.
As one of our students said:
“I enjoy the freedom of using my laptop and working in the living room if my family is in there, working outside while my children are playing, and even working from places that have free Wi-Fi,” said Brie B.
Another benefit: more flexibility. Because you work online, you can focus on getting your work done and have more time to do the things you love, or for the other things in your life you need to accomplish.
We have students who focus full-force on their passion, be it BMX riding or figure skating. You may need to work ahead for an upcoming competition. We also have students who need to help their families or even their own children in some cases, so they need time to work, do chores or babysit. And that’s OK! Online school can help you accomplish that.
Make a workspace you can enjoy
While you can complete schoolwork wherever you want, our teachers say a designated workspace is always a good idea. It helps your brain stay focused and helps you block out distractions. Here are a few favorite items our adjunct teachers keep in their workspaces.
For some teachers, it’s a notebook, pencil and important papers, as is shown in the photo below.
If we asked our teachers to submit their workspace, you’d likely see a lot of drawing from their kids, or family photos. It cheers them up and keeps them going. Whatever that might be for your child, decorate the space and include those things to keep them in a happy mood while working.
That’s a more traditional workspace set up, but it doesn’t have to look like that. For some students, being mobile matters most.
Health experts say it is important to not sit in the same position for hours. So get a cheap adjustable table, or just have a few different study areas so your child can switch throughout the day. Getting a hotspot for your laptop might even be a great idea, so that your child can go to a park if he/she wanted.
Include favorite snacks, a decorated tumblr, whatever will keep that spark going.
How to help your child succeed in online learning
1. Make a school schedule and stick with it…if you set aside time for school, you can be successful.
2. Be honest with yourself about setting up specific times to work. If you are NOT a morning person, then don’t expect to work online in the mornings. Be real and be disciplined!
3. Talk to your friends and family about how they can support you. If you work on schoolwork from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. each day, tell your friends not to text or call during this time.
4. Know your child’s weaknesses and turn them into rewards. There’s a good chance your child enjoys being on TikTok, or maybe they love to read. Reward them with these websites AFTER they complete your schoolwork, but not until then.
5. Because of online learning, you can now focus on your interests and create the life that you see yourself having! Don’t waste any time! Make your education and dreams happen for yourself!!
We wish you the best of luck. A quality education can be had in even the worst of circumstances!