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What online high school is like, according to a few of our students

By June 12, 2020July 7th, 2020Student Community, Student Spotlight

Maybe you’re an online student already. Maybe you’ve heard of online school, and want to learn more. Or, perhaps you know of a cousin’s son’s nephew’s brother who does online school and that’s about it.

Whatever the reason, it’s always good to hear experiences from actual students.

That’s why we asked a few of our incredible students to share their stories.

What online high school is like for iSucceed students

First, a little bit about iSucceed Virtual High School:

  • It’s tuition free
  • Available to 9–12th grade Idaho students
  • Has highly qualified teachers
  • And school events to meet classmates!
  • Even an award-winning curriculum designed for today’s learners
  • Offers three classes every nine weeks


You learn free of distractions and high school drama

“Being in an environment with a lot of crazy teenagers and a lot of chaos going on, I didn’t ever really focus well on school, I always just liked to goof around and hang out with friends. So, online was a good option because I was able to really focus and be alone instead of having to be in a group with friends and stuff, which was really distracting for me.” -McKaee

“When I was in traditional school, I got really distracted making sure that I was a part of the crowd. With iSucceed, that takes that pressure off, but then, at the same time, you have plenty of time to do your own thing.” – Celine

There are assignments and deadlines, but you can work at your pace

“The way we have our units done is there’s six units per class, five lessons each. We need to do 10 lessons a week, I usually do 15 so I can get everything done ahead of the game and finish a few weeks early…making your own schedule is super important. So, it all depends on you and you need to not be afraid to go by your own schedule. Doing your own thing at your own pace, that does work. I definitely don’t recommend leaving everything for the last week, though. It’s not a good idea.” – Anastasia

If you have a question, you just ask a teacher

“All the teachers are actually pretty good, like, if you make a mistake, they aren’t going to be like, “OK, you’re off the hook” or, “You’re in trouble” or something. They’ll say, “OK, we’ll give you a chance to make that up. That’s kind of the whole motto, it’s not ‘iFail,’ it’s iSucceed.” – Mark

“I also really like iSucceed because you can talk one-on-one with your teacher basically any time you want, whether it’s a phone call, text message, email, they’re always available to talk through stuff with you. If you have any questions at all, your teachers are right there for you.” – McKaee

“The teachers are just really helpful, and they’re kind, and they always reach out if you’re having trouble, and you can always contact them.” Haley

The environment is actually pretty nice

For one:

“When you’re at home, you don’t have to worry about paying for lunch, it’s in your fridge. I just really like that school because I just like the community and the environment. ” – Mark

For another:

“I love going to the (school) events and talking to other students and feeling like I’m not alone. Everyone’s really nice and is like, ‘How are you doing? How’s your courses going?’” – Celine

And you can have flexibility for other things in your life

“I had some trouble with the last school that I went to. It interfered too much with my skating…I like the classes, I like the structure, I like the curriculum.” Haley 

“If it weren’t for iSucceed, I would have never had the time or really the patience to be able to write (my) book, because the struggles with public school, there was so much stress that completely prevented me from being able to publish it, so as soon as I started iSucceed, I had the time to actually start focusing on doing this…” Anastasia


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