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7 Perks of Being an Online High School Student

By May 27, 2016March 19th, 2018Enrollment News, Student Community


7_Perks_iSucceed_HeaderWhen it comes to high school, we know there are some things you probably don’t enjoy. For one, we’re willing to bet you aren’t too fond of getting gum stuck to your hand after you make the mistake of putting your hand under the desk. That’s where being an online high school student can have some serious perks! In fact, we’ve gathered the top seven benefits of attending high school online in this blog post; check them out below!

1. Wake up when you want!

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Once you attend iSucceed Virtual High School, you can say goodbye to crawling out of bed before the sun’s even up! Of course, if you’re one of those rare (lucky you) morning people, you’re more than welcome to keep waking up at the crack of dawn. But if you prefer, you can enjoy a few more zzz’s before starting your school day.



2. Your school is in a safe, comfy environment


iSucceed’s classroom is wherever you have access to the internet. Whether your preferred workspace be a comfy couch, a home desk or coffee shop, you can complete schoolwork the place of your choice. Plus, iSucceed has an online community monitored by staff where you can join student clubs and safely chat with other students online to get to know your peers. We also hold several fun school events, dances and a graduation ceremony so socializing won’t be a worry!



3. Getting help from teachers is a cinch

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If you’re one who doesn’t like the burning stares from 30+ classmates that inevitably accompanies raising your hand to ask a question, we got you covered! Our teachers communicate with each student personally via phone calls, emails, texting, school announcements and instant messaging so that you can enjoy easy access to homework help from instructors.



4. Make your own dress code

wear what you want_other schools


Dress code? We don’t know that word. If you want to wear a hat, chew gum, wear pajamas or have purple hair, go for it! As long as you’re working hard on to earn your diploma, it doesn’t matter to us what you decide to wear at home!



5. School is set to your schedule



If you’re at a traditional high school right now, we can probably guess what your schedule looks like:

  • 7:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. classes (6:30 if you’re in A or Zero Hour).
  • 3 – 5 p.m. Sports practice, club meeting or other extracurricular activities.
  • 5 – who-knows p.m. finishing up homework or studying for an exam.

Yikes. Here’s what a day in a life at iSucceed could look like:

  • Wake up (when you want!)
  • Knock out about three hours of coursework, studying or participating in class discussions
  • Take a break! Go explore, eat lunch or do something you love
  • Finish up for a few more hours
  • Go to work, spend time with family or enjoy your evening how you want!

Getting the picture?



6. Learning is actually fun


Ever got in trouble for falling asleep in class? We understand. School lectures can get boring. That’s why we’ve created a curriculum we know you’ll love! iSucceed’s online curriculum is just as rigorous as your old school (we are accredited, of course), but we include gaming, videos, comic stories and more so that you can actually enjoy yourself while you learn.



7. You can actually stay focused on your courses

Improve your english vocabulary while fine-tuning your dSLR front/back focus

As if trying to shove six heavy textbooks into your beat up school bag ripping at the seams wasn’t bad enough, adding on homework, exams and projects from six classes at once gets overwhelming. That’s why iSucceed has three classes every nine weeks to help you focus on just two courses at a time and better retain what you’ve learned, since your final isn’t covering stuff from five months ago (because it’s a six-week course).

To get started with iSucceed Virtual High School, head to or give us a call at 208.908.6250.


  • Students, do you have a perk of being an online student that you’d like to add to the list? Share with us in the comments below!


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